You are making an impact!
Every year since 2007, we've asked people to be a part of Be Rich and live out the words of 1 Timothy 6:18. Here are stories of generosity and its impact.

Goshen Valley: Wade’s Story
Goshen Valley Boys Ranch wants every young man to know the safety of a home, the love of a family, and the hope of a future. Their programs support children in foster care by providing therapeutic counseling, education, and a family-based home.

HopeQuest: Michael’s Story
HopeQuest helps individuals and families impacted by addiction experience hope, freedom, and life. Check out Michael’s story of anxiety, addiction, and— ultimately— hope.

Back2Back: Hope Education Program
Meet Anna. Anna has spent most of her life as a part of Back2Back ministry—an organization on a mission to end the orphan crisis across the world. She’s part of the Hope Education Program in Monterrey, Mexico, and she’s ringing the celebration bell to mark her college graduation.

Eagle Ranch: Renovation to Director of Spiritual Life Housing
Meet Andy. Andy and his family live at Eagle Ranch, where he serves as the Director of Spiritual Life, a role integral to Eagle Ranch’s mission.

Convoy of Hope: Disaster Response
Nobody expects to have their life derailed by a natural disaster. No one wants to plan for the worst to happen. But for Convoy of Hope, it’s the constant preparation that enables them to respond when disaster strikes.

Forsyth County Schools: School Small Group Mental Health Support
As local schools prepared to reopen after COVID-19 closures, staff members like Karin knew that addressing the toll the pandemic took on students’ mental health would be a priority for the upcoming school year.

Lighthouse Family Retreat: Community of Care
Meet Angie. Angie works at Lighthouse Family Retreat, an organization committed to strengthening families living through childhood cancer by offering restorative retreats and helpful resources.

Fulton County Schools: Book Drive
“What do you need?” That’s a powerful question. It’s a question that’s at the heart of the Be Rich campaign. And it’s what we asked our friends at Fulton County Schools last year as they were navigating the COVID-19 pandemic.

Whispering Hope: Down Payment for Safe Housing
Every pregnant woman deserves to feel safe. Sadly, for many in our community, that’s not the case. The challenges of homelessness, joblessness, or an unsafe home life are big enough, and pregnancy can make them that much more daunting.

Habitat for Humanity: Home Matters Mortgage Relief Fund
Meet Dorothy. Dorothy is part of the team at Atlanta Habitat for Humanity that empowers low-income families to pursue homeownership and financial education while revitalizing neighborhoods throughout Atlanta.

No Longer Bound: Recreational Space
When men walk onto the No Longer Bound campus, they’re walking away from the life they’ve known—a life of addiction—and committing to live for one year with a group of strangers. You can imagine the range of emotions that brings: fear, hesitation, hope.

Our Daughters International: Border Stations
Each year, more than 30,000 young Nepali girls are tricked, forced, or sold into human trafficking in India, the Middle East, and beyond. Eighty percent of them will be sexually exploited. Each one of them experiences unimaginable personal pain and suffering.

Amana Academy: Social-Emotional Support Team
Meet Patti. Patti is a Social-Emotional Learning Coach at Amana Academy—a nonprofit, tuition-free charter school in our community. Patti and her team of counselors, social workers, and other specialists have been more important than ever this year as we continue to navigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Atlanta Mission: COVID Temporary Staff
Meet Daryl. Daryl moved to Atlanta looking for a place to start over after devastating hurricanes pushed him out of the Virgin Islands. A friend recommended Atlanta Mission to him and it set him on a journey of personal development and service as he took on leadership roles during his time as a resident.

Otwell Middle School: Newcomers Program
Remember what it felt like to be the new kid? The anxiety of the first day at a new school. The intimidation of being the freshman on the team. The terrifying moment when your parents dropped you off at camp and you wondered who your friends would be.

Home of Hope: Operating Expenses
Meet Renita. Renita is the Director of Operations at Home of Hope, a residential facility for children and young mothers experiencing homelessness in Gwinnett county.
Champions United FC: Mukono Campus
Champions United FC is reaching the youth of Uganda through soccer. Their clubs and campuses span the country. And while it looks like fun and games, there’s so much more to their mission.

Eagle Ranch: Wings Initiative Program
Meet Eddie. Eddie Staub is the founder of Eagle Ranch, a community uniquely designed to help make life better for children and families going through a crisis.