Our Daughters International: Border Stations

Each year, more than 30,000 young Nepali girls are tricked, forced, or sold into human trafficking in India, the Middle East, and beyond. Eighty percent of them will be sexually exploited. Each one of them experiences unimaginable personal pain and suffering.

Our Daughters International (ODI) is on a mission to rescue and restore these women. They bring each girl into a place of safety and help her grow physically, emotionally, and spiritually so she can leave empowered and ready to rebuild her life.

Through Be Rich, your generosity has funded the operation of three ODI border stations along the Nepal/India border. These stations are staffed with teams trained to identify trafficking victims, rescue them from danger, and place them on a path to healing. 

In the first half of 2021, even with recent lockdowns in Nepal, your donations funded the rescue of 119 girls at these stations. Depending on their circumstances, the girls received trauma counseling, health assessments and care, and peer-to-peer counseling. Many of them have since moved onto the ODI Training Center, where they’re learning skills to return to their communities and establish self-sustaining businesses or lead women’s empowerment groups. Not only were these girls rescued, but they’re now empowering their communities to reduce the likelihood of other girls being trafficked in the future.


No Longer Bound: Recreational Space


Amana Academy: Social-Emotional Support Team