Summit Counseling

Let’s face it. Kids have to deal with some really hard things these days—things that are difficult to process, especially alone. 

As we’ve seen the rates of anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts rise, schools and professionals agree that something needs to be done. 

Fortunately, kids are starting to see the value in asking for help from counselors. Unfortunately, not all of them have access to counselors or the funds needed for their services.

Realizing the problem, Fulton County Schools invited Summit Counseling Center to be part of the solution. Summit started a program to subsidize school-based therapy for low-income families. They’ve hired and trained counselors specifically for this program to ensure no child who needs counseling goes without. And you’re part of the solution too!

Thanks to 2019’s Be Rich donations, we’ve been able to help cover the cost of hiring two of these counselors. 

More students will now have an opportunity to process through their challenges and get the help they need, when they need it.  

Thank you for making a difference.


Woodlands: Summer Camp


Friends of Refugees