Eagle Ranch: Houseparents Salary

We want to tell you a story about a girl named Hannah.

Hannah was adopted at just 7 months old, after spending time in different foster homes. Though she was adored by her adoptive parents, issues began to surface within months of her adoption. She started throwing tantrums that were excessively outside of the norm, which over the years escalated into anger, yelling, and harmful behaviors despite her parents' intervention efforts with pediatricians and counselors.

Hannah struggled to connect with her parents and three siblings, a difficulty that increased as their family dynamics became more complex. Over the next decade, her adoptive parents divorced and her mother remarried. Amid these changes, Hannah’s personal struggles became increasingly more challenging to manage.

That’s when they found Eagle Ranch.

Eagle Ranch is a Christ-centered nonprofit organization that takes a whole-family approach to restoring and renewing relationships for children and families. Their affordable and accessible services meet families at their point of need, providing guidance, practical resources and hope for a more flourishing future.

A key component of this program is the role of the houseparents. When a child comes to Eagle Ranch, they live with houseparents who guide, mentor, and support them on their journey.

Meet John and Cassie.

John and Cassie were Hannah’s houseparents. While Hannah had an entire team devoted to her at the Ranch, John and Cassie provided a stable place of rest, connection, and security during Hannah’s stay. During Hannah’s time at the Ranch, John and Cassie had many opportunities to help Hannah find new ways to express herself and manage her anger. Their relationship with Hannah allowed them to have a different kind of impact than her parents back home.

John explains, “Hannah was able to respond to us a little more freely than in her home, so we could coach her through her responses to certain situations.”

Cassie adds that one of the sweetest parts of their journey was Hannah realizing how similar Cassie was to her mother. While it presented challenges at times, it also helped Hannah better understand her mother and grow closer to her. That’s a key role of houseparents—supporting and enriching the child’s relationship with their parents.

“Hannah is very special, and we will miss her greatly,” Cassie said about Hannah graduating the program, “But we are so happy to see her and her family back together.”

Having a team of devoted adults fighting for her and believing in her made a profound impact on Hannah. She went from an angry, hurting child who thought no one cared about her to a confident, loving kid ready to take on high school. The love and acceptance she received from John and Cassie were a big part of that journey.

“All these people loving on me and caring for me,” Hannah said, “it made me want to work harder on myself.”

Thanks to your generosity through Be Rich, we were able to fund six months of salary costs for a set of houseparents. That means another child out there will get to meet their John and Cassie—because of you.

As you can see from Hannah’s story, the impact of that gift is immeasurable.

Thank you.


No Longer Bound: Service Project


La Casa de mi Padre: Counseling Program