No Longer Bound: Service Project

Meet Thomas.

Every month you can find him scanning the aisles in the grocery store, collecting all the ingredients for the delicious meal he and his small group will prepare and share with the men of No Longer Bound. 

No Longer Bound (NLB) is a long-term clinical treatment center that believes in the transformative power of sobriety through faith in Jesus Christ. For 35 years, the nonprofit has been providing rehabilitation for men seeking freedom from addiction. For the past two years, Thomas and his group have spent one Friday night every month in fellowship with the men at NLB. 

And it all started with Be Rich. 

The men's group first found No Longer Bound through a Be Rich service opportunity. After seeing the work of the organization and the impact it had on so many lives, they sought out service opportunities where they could also foster relationships.

“The frequency is what matters because that’s how you build the relationships––not just showing up once,” Thomas explains. “We don’t go there to eat. We go there to serve them, share stories… and understand them.”

After serving 30+ meals each month, Thomas and his group spend the rest of the night getting to know the men of No Longer Bound—they talk, laugh, and play games.  Sometimes they see familiar faces, and other times it’s a completely new group, but one thing is consistent—each month, everyone walks away feeling seen and known.

“At the end of the day we could all be there… You’re always an inch away from being on the other side, so [serving] helps you understand other people and breaks down the barriers of judgment between people. It brings everyone to a level playing field. No one is worse or better-–just the same.”

No Longer Bound wasn’t the first place Thomas and his small group served together—and it may not be the last—but it is the place where they can make the biggest impact right now, and that’s why they do it. Reflecting on his experience with Be Rich and service in general, Thomas has one message:

“Go serve. A lot of people are afraid to serve because they think, ‘I’m not going to know what to do’ or ‘I don’t have that experience—I’m not like them.’… But you’re going to learn something wherever you serve, and you’ll be helpful. It’s better than not doing anything waiting for the perfect fit.” 

Having a heart of service means remaining open to the different ways you could impact your community, and that’s what Be Rich is all about. 

So, in the words of Thomas, 

Go serve. 


Fostering Together: Service Project


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