Atlanta Habitat for Humanity

Meet Jackie.

Jackie is a senior citizen living in Atlanta.

Recently, he needed some repairs made to his home—and not small repairs. He was in need of critical repairs that would directly impact his safety and accessibility to his home.

Fortunately, Jackie was connected to Atlanta Habitat for Humanity’s Repair with Kindness Program, which goes into Habitat communities to make homes safe, dry, and accessible for its residents.

Thanks to 2019’s Be Rich donations, we were able to cover the costs to repair Jackie’s home. He now has a new roof, repaired decking, new gutters, new windows, and a tuned HVAC system. Most importantly, Jackie is now able to get in and out of his home safely thanks to the new ramp leading to his front door. 

And, thanks to your generosity, two other homes within the community received substantial updates including new HVAC systems, roofs, and hot water heaters. 

All of this means safer and healthier homes for some incredible people. 

Thank you for making a difference.  


Eagle Ranch: House Parents


Medshare: Biomedical Engineer