Eagle Ranch: House Parents

Meet the Shorts.

The Shorts are house parents living full-time at Eagle Ranch

Eagle Ranch is one of Georgia’s largest residential programs for children in crisis. Children come to live at the ranch for 18–24 months, where they receive on-site education and counseling.  

Families like the Shorts live with up to seven children at a time and play a critical role in helping them—and their families—survive and thrive despite the crises they have faced. 

It’s a significant sacrifice with great and unique rewards.

Thanks to 2019’s Be Rich donations, we were able to provide Eagle Ranch the full salary for one set of house parents. 

At the end of the day, the win at Eagle Ranch is to reunite children and their families. Because of your generosity and the commitment from house parents like the Shorts, Eagle Ranch can continue to provide the investment, care, and hope these children and families need

Thank you for making a difference.  


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