Bald Ridge Lodge
Independent Living Program Support, Part One - 2024
Bald Ridge Lodge is a home-like stabilization facility where young men learn the skills they need to be successful in life. Their Independent Living Program helps young men (ages 18–26) who are transitioning out of foster care or homelessness prepare to be socially, emotionally, and financially independent of social services. This gift provides partial funding for two young men in this program.
Independent Living Program Support, Part Two - 2024
Bald Ridge Lodge is a home-like stabilization facility where young men learn the skills they need to be successful in life. Their Independent Living Program helps young men (ages 18–26) who are transitioning out of foster care or homelessness prepare to be socially, emotionally, and financially independent of social services. This gift completes funding for two young men in this program.
Aftercare Program Support - 2024
Bald Ridge Lodge is a home-like stabilization facility where young men learn the skills they need to be successful in life. This gift funds their Aftercare Program, which helps prepare residents to successfully reunify with their families, transition after reunification, or transition to adulthood and self- sufficiency. Aftercare participants have access to resources to meet practical needs and referrals to services that can keep the family intact, including family therapy, substance abuse treatment, and educational assistance.
Extracurricular Activities - 2024
Bald Ridge Lodge is a home-like stabilization facility where young men learn the skills they need to be successful in life. Extracurricular activities make a big difference in how boys function, grow, connect relationally, and learn during out-of-school time. This gift provides boys at Bald Ridge Lodge the opportunity to participate in out-of-school-time activities such as camps, extracurricular sports, field trips, and other milestone high school activities like prom and homecoming.