Whispering Hope: Living Hope House

Meet the Living Hope House.

For over 25 years, Whispering Hope has served pregnant women in crisis in our community. Many of their clients find themselves in unsafe or unstable living conditions with nowhere else to turn. This need was the inspiration behind the Living Hope House, a residential home for mothers in crisis.

Your generosity through the Be Rich campaign contributed to the down payment, and after years of planning, dreaming, and hard work, it’s finally a reality. 

In the Living Hope House, pregnant women facing homelessness, joblessness, and other crises can pause, take a breath, and work with supportive house parents to prepare for their future.

While helping clients prepare for and recover from birth at the Living Hope House, Whispering Hope also offers programs to help them prepare for parenting, find financial stability, and work toward their educational and career goals.

Thanks to your generosity, a pregnant woman in our community who is facing homelessness has a safe place to become a mother. She has support to build a better future. She has hope when there is nowhere else to turn.


BCM Georgia: Emergency Assistance Support


North Gwinnett Co-Op