Jambos: Teen Program

Jambos exists to bring comfort and peace during an extremely tumultuous time in a child’s life. The nonprofit collects brand new pajamas, and after praying over each pair and attaching a Bible verse, they deliver them to children of all ages when they enter the foster care system.

Rebekah Black, the founder of Jambos, still remembers one of the first pajama drives she organized back in 2017.

Amid all the hustle and bustle, she saw a 13-year-old girl standing off to the side. When Rebekah approached the young teen to offer her a set of pajamas, she said almost immediately, “You won’t have my size.”

Rebekah remembers rifling through her boxes and thankfully finding a set of pajamas in the girl’s size. When Rebekah returned with the pajamas in hand, she found the girl rocking her baby. That was when she realized the girl never expected pajamas for herself in the first place.

“It was just an ah-ha God moment,” Rebekah said about the memory, “It was like [God was saying], ‘Serve them all. Don’t forget the teenagers.’ That’s always been in my heart.”

The unfortunate truth is that teenage pajamas are Jambos’ number-one requested and least donated item. When people think of pajamas and foster children, they rarely think of the kids ages 13 to 18 who are in just as much need. That’s why it has always been so important to Rebekah that Jambos sees and serves every child.

Thanks to your generosity through Be Rich, Jambos was able to expand their teen program dramatically last year.

Previously, Jambos’ branding was geared toward younger children; however, with the money you donated, Jambos was able to launch a new brand and marketing campaign that focuses on including teenagers and bringing awareness to their situation.

Because of your donations, Jambos was able to partner with six Gwinnett County schools for a National Honor Society pajama drive to raise awareness for the needs of teenagers in the foster care system.

In the words of Rebekah, “The financial contribution gave us breath in our lungs to develop something that has always been in our heart.”

In 2023, Jambos was able to provide a total of 3,597 pairs of pajamas to teenagers, who, just like that 13-year-old girl, often feel overlooked or forgotten.

Without you, it wouldn’t have been possible.

Thank you for making a difference.


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