Seeds of Hope: Educational Operating Expenses

For Rama, going to school is a beacon of light in a life that can often feel dark and hopeless. With a difficult home life, she was fortunate to be enrolled in Seeds of Hope daycare as a young child. Over the years, she has grown up under the love and care of their staff—something she doesn’t have much of at home. 

Seeds of Hope is a humanitarian organization based in Jericho in the West Bank. They’re focused primarily on education and humanitarian aid and have been expanding their school for the last several years so that it now extends to sixth grade. 

In the Middle East, schools are not always a kind place for children. Corporal punishment is common, and teachers often resort to name-calling and public shame to keep children in line. Seeds of Hope wants to offer another way. They’re committed to being a loving, supportive environment designed to bring out the best in children. And it’s working. Children love coming to school each day, and every grade level has a waiting list as parents see the difference in the children who attend. 

Rama has grown up in this environment and, despite a challenging home life, is now a leader in her fifth-grade class. She’s a kind and strong young woman with a bright future. She has the confidence of knowing there are adults who believe in her and a loving environment that is always ready to welcome her.

Seeds of Hope works hard to keep tuition low for parents so their school is accessible to as many families as possible. This creates a budget deficit that they cover with child sponsorships and operational funding.

Your generosity through the Be Rich campaign helped step into that funding gap to cover operating expenses for the school so that more children like Rama can grow up knowing they are loved, valued, and capable of great things!


City of Refuge: Bedroom Furnishings


KIPP Woodson Park Academy: 8th Grade Field Trip