Border Perspective:  Scholarships for Next Gen Leadership Program

Border Perspective works to equip, educate, and mobilize people of faith to be peacemakers at the U.S. and Mexico Border. Their service-learning trips partner with the local church in South Texas to build relational bridges and bring a biblical lens to the complex issues of immigration and the border. 

One initiative that they’re especially passionate about is their Next Gen Leadership Development Program, which allows young people to gain personal ministry experience, cross-cultural agility, and spiritual depth as they serve local churches on the border. 

Through last year’s Be Rich campaign, you funded scholarships to allow three young people to participate in this transformational program. 

Young people, like Jeff. 

Jeff grew up deeply rooted in a Mormon community. However, in his teenage years, a family crisis sent his father to prison. In the years that followed, Jeff’s mother and brothers began to deconstruct their faith. One by one, they encountered Jesus in transformational ways—eventually leaving the Mormon Church behind. At first, Jeff was shocked and confused. But through the ongoing influence of his family, his heart was opened, and he followed in their footsteps. 

Having left the Mormon Church, tradition and community he’d ever known, Jeff was understandably a little fearful and unsure of his next steps. Through his new church family, he went on a mission trip to South Texas with Border Perspective. He’d always loved missions and felt a calling to go, so he jumped in at the last minute. 

The trip had a profound impact on Jeff. He learned that missions aren’t just about helping others; they’re about God using experiences to change hearts and minds. Jeff was transformed through the trip and immediately wanted to go back. 

After his third trip with Border Perspectives, he was asked to consider joining their NextGen Leadership Program. Jeff was unsure at first but decided to trust God and take the leap. Now, he’s helping others experience the same life-changing trips that impacted him. 

Border Perspective is changing the conversation on what it means to fulfill the Great Commission and to love your neighbor as yourself. Thanks to your generosity through Be Rich, three motivated young adults had the funding to use their energy and passion to serve others and transform hearts and minds on both sides of the border.


Hope Partners: New Hope Center


410 Bridge: Living Seed Program