The Place

Dawson Senior Fellowship Luncheon - 2024

Homebound senior citizens on a fixed income are relying more heavily on services provided by The Place to help them get the critical items they need and to otherwise make ends meet. This gift covers costs for food and transportation for a senior fellowship luncheon in Dawson County that provides connection while boosting confidence and morale.


Cleaning Supplies for Seniors - 2024

Homebound senior citizens on a fixed income are relying more heavily on services provided by The Place to help them get the critical items they need and to otherwise make ends meet. This gift provides funding for items such as cleaning supplies, paper products, and laundry detergent for seniors in Dawson county.


Senior Home Repairs - 2024

Homebound seniors on a fixed income are relying more heavily on services provided by The Place to help them get the critical items they need, and to otherwise make ends meet. This gift provides funding to purchase materials for home repairs for seniors in Forsyth and Dawson counties.


ESL Program Support - 2024

The ESL students at The Place invest time and effort into their studies, but often lack the support they need to effectively attend classes. This gift provides funding for childcare, meals, course workbooks, and opportunities for family study so The Place can fully support these student clients.


GED Support - 2024

From a workforce standpoint, workers that have a high school education or equivalent are more employable and have higher earning potential. The Place has a GED program that anyone can join at any time, regardless of current level of education. This gift covers the costs of GED software and exam codes to lessen the overall burden for students working on completing their education.


Data Analytics - 2024

The Place gathers data from multiple sources but needs help identifying which ones are true indicators of success or lack of success. This gift provides funding for data analytics consultants to help The Place translate their mission goals into the correct key performance indicators needed for measuring impact as well as assessment for possible expansion.


Direct Client Assistance - 2024

This matching gift provides financial assistance funds to help bridge the gap for clients experiencing a rise in rent and utilities expenses and to help offset the rise in gas, food, and medical/prescription expenses due to inflation.


The HOPE Center


The Rocks Beneficiaries