La Casa de mi Padre
Counseling Program Funding - 2024
At the heart of La Casa's ministry is the counseling program. Counselors work with the children to treat past traumas caused by abandonment, abuse, and violence as well as help the children begin to move forward in the healing process and toward a very different future. These funds subsidize counselors' salaries and help cover the costs for outside counselor and psychiatry visits, equine therapy, and training materials for their newly hired counselors.
Home and Office Computer Replacements - 2024
Many of the computers in the office and family homes of La Casa de mi Padre are 10 to 12 years old, outdated, and nearing the end of their usefulness. This gift purchases new computers and accessories for the office and desktop computers of each of the children's homes.
Chocolate Production Facility and Equipment - 2024
La Casa has been outsourcing the production of their chocolate for the past several years and is now ready to take on production themselves. These funds cover the cost of materials necessary to build the physical facility and the purchase of the chocolate production system. This allows La Casa to be more creative and brings them closer to their goal of employing people in the community, producing quality chocolate, efficiently selling to local markets, and generating funds to help support the ministry.
Home Renovations - 2024
The La Casa Children's Homes are almost 10 years old and require some renovation and replacement of appliances and furniture. This gift funds the cost of new appliances, countertops, and living room furniture. These purchases not only keep the homes up to date and make them more comfortable and safe, but also save on the increasing cost of repairs.
Fundraising Travel Expenses - 2024
Each year La Casa's leadership travels twice a year to the U.S. to speak with current and potential donors in various cities around the country. These funds cover their travel expenses and allow them to raise support for La Casa de mi Padre.