410 Bridge

Pastor Conference - 2022

One hundred pastors, representing one hundred different churches in 410 Bridge communities, are attending a pastor’s conference hosted at the Desmond Tutu Conference Center in Nairobi, Kenya. This gift helps fund the cost of the conference, which focuses on the local church’s role in building stronger marriages, families, churches, and communities.


Community Expansion Support - 2022

The 410 Bridge continues to see existing communities move toward graduation and are exploring and vetting prospective new communities for the future. This gift funds staff travel, assessments, asset mapping, leadership development, and evaluation for 5–6 new communities over the next 6–12 months with the hope of moving forward with two new communities in the next 12 months. The potential exists for 3,500–5,000 people to be positively impacted in each new community.


A Beacon of Hope