No Longer Bound

No Longer Bound has spent the last 30 years ministering to men caught in drug and alcohol addiction. Over the course of a yearlong program, they work with men to heal trauma, break self-destructive habits, build real-world skills, and develop a lasting intimacy with God. Like their motto states, they are relentless for real transformation that lasts beyond the program.

Because the men spend a year in residency at No Longer Bound’s Hope House, they are limited in their on-campus resources to engage in the job search phase of the program. That limitation changed when No Longer Bound opened a new computer lab that aids the men with resume writing, budgeting research and exercises, credit score checks, and job searches.

When asked how the computer lab had personally benefited him, one of the men in the program responded, his face lighting up, "I've never had a resume before. Learning how to write one then having it to take with me today [to a job interview] is so good. I've never been able to do that before."

Another man, who had spent almost two decades in addiction, was able to use the lab to take classes online, work with the program director, and build a resume before graduating from the program, all of which were key steps that led to a job that will allow him to buy his first car. Men can also use the lab to pursue their GED or vocational certifications in fields like the culinary arts or mechanics.

Thanks to your generosity during last year’s Be Rich campaign, you fully furnished a computer lab with furniture and equipment on No Longer Bound’s campus. The men in recovery at No Longer Bound can more easily become steadily employed, financially literate, and hope-filled for their future.


Good Samaritan Health Center Of Cobb


BCM Georgia: Emergency Assistance Support